Shougang Convention & Exhibition Center,Beijing,China
The CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF from 25 August to 2 September 2012 (trade visitor day on 24 August) invites visitors to discover the mobile leisure market.
From February 7 to 13, 2012, a distinguished delegation of eight core member of CIVD (Caraning Industrie Verbandes Deutschland) visited China.
Auto camping travel is one of the most popular holiday experience and lifestyle.
According to the Special Report on Camping 2011, the state of the economy affects whether Americans participate in camping.
According to the Special Report on Camping 2011, the most popular venues for camping are public campgrounds, such as a local, state or national park campgrounds.
Trend expert Marian Salzman is so bullish on camping; she recently said that one of the businesses in which she would consider investing right now is camping.
Recently, KOA, Coleman and Outdoor Foundation have jointly released the Special Report on Camping 2011. As reported, approximately 40 million Americans participated in camping in 2010—almost 15 percent of all Americans over age six.
Nowadays in China, Recreational Vehicles are still new to the general public. Considering China as a whole, the development of the caravaning industry is still in its primary stage.