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Q1: What's the name of the exhibition?
Q2: What's the date and venue of the exhibition?
 Date: May 8-10, 2025 
 Venue: Shougang Convention & Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
Q3: Who are the organizers and supporters?
Organizers: Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 
                   China Tourism Group
                   The Recreational Vehicle Industry Committee of China Association of Automotive Manufacturers (CMRV)
                   China Self-Driving Tour and Camping & Caravaning Association (STCCA)of CTACA
Supporters: Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V. (CIVD)
                    Messe Düsseldorf GmbH (organizer of CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF)
Q4: What's the deadline for booth application?
April 8, 2025
Q5: Booth fee and standard configuration of the booth?

Participation Cost


furniture & Electrical Entitlement of Shell Scheme

Q6: As an exhibitor, who should I turn to if I have more questions?
If you haven't found the answers to your enquiry from the above, you can contact us via:
Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Address: Unit 2902, Sinar Mas Plaza,501 Dongdaming Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai 200080, China
Tel: +86-21-6169 8300
Fax: +86-21-6169 8301
E-mail: shanghai@mds.cn  
Website: www.mds.cn

Mr. Maxy Ma
Tel: +86-10- 6590 7101- 8619
Fax:+86-10- 6590 7347
E-mail: maxy.ma@mds.cn

Ms. Joy Zhou
Tel: +86-10- 6590 7101- 8612
Fax: +86-10- 6590 7347
E-mail: joy.zhou@mds.cn